Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Gravity Man -- A beginning

Wheeeeee I haz made game! It's called Gravity Man!! XD

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Too Stupid to Have Sex

How does everyone like the new template? =D

Anyway, I was made known of this case that occurred very recently in the UK. My professor mentioned it in class and I HAD to post it here.

UK courts have banned a 41-year-old man from having sex as he is not deemed intelligent enough, with the judge claiming “it in his best interests” and local authorities ordered to actively prevent him from pursuing any further sexual relationships.

The 41-year-old man, described as “sociable” and well behaved, was accused by his local council of having a “vigorous sex drive” which was inappropriate given his IQ of 48.

He had been happily involved in a sexual relationship with a man he lived with, but the local council disapproved and moved to stop it on the grounds that he was too stupid to give informed consent. He has since been prevented from having any further sexual contact.

However, he requested he be allowed sex once more, telling the judge “it would make me feel happy” and “I want to kiss them again.”

His psychiatrist reported he had limited understanding of sex and that he “believed that babies were delivered by a stork or found under a bush”, and “sex could give you spots or measles.” He even tried to prevent him receiving sex education as it might leave him “confused.”

For reasons which are perhaps not difficult to surmise, he had apparently never had sexual relations with a woman, having only experience with wide variety of homosexual practices.

Further complicating the case was the fact that the man was suspecting of behaving inappropriately towards children on several occasions.

The judge ordered him not to be allowed to have sex any more:

“I therefore make a declaration that at the present time Alan does not have the capacity to consent to and engage in sexual relations. In such circumstances it is agreed that the present regime for Alan’s supervision and for the prevention of future sexual activity is in his best interests.”

However, he did order that attempts be made to provide him with proper sex education so that he might gain the capacity to consent.

PS: None of this material is owned by me. Plus, something to think about eh?? XD

Friday, February 4, 2011

Gong Hei Fatt Choi!

Hey Everyone! Happy Chinese New Year!! I hope this year will be a prosperous one for all of you.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Got bored doing homework and ended up trolling youtube for a bit. Found this little gem. Nicely done AMV. Now I just feel like watching it again. Code Geass FTW haha.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dragon Age Legends

Facebook games. I take pride as a hater and basically you have to agree there are reasons to just hate them. EA however, has decided to take a shot at it themselves (Note: Legends isn't made by PlayFish - FB game company acquired by EA last year).

According to developer EA2D, the studio's mission is to make social games for gamers, and Dragon Age Legends aims to bring role-playing and turn-based combat to the Facebook space. You play as a trusted advisor to Viscount Ravi, who asks you to help rescue his son from danger, which of course sends you on quests. Something like how Dragon Age played out.

Unlike all the majority of Facebook games, you've got to make strategic decisions, or you can screw up in Legends. You need to pick an appropriate balance of companions for combat. If you don't develop enough supplies in your castle, you can go in underequipped - just like the original game. You can attack enemies in the wrong sequence. In other words, there's actually some game in this game.

I've been lucky enough to get into the beta - partly due to the fact that I own Origins and Awakening but then again if anyone else wants to give it a try I've got extra keys! With this game, I believe EA is testing to see if gamers bite. After playing it once I can't say whether it will work but it seems plausible that it just might.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011





Monday, January 17, 2011

3 day weekends

Gasp! A non-quirky news related blog post!! By Me!!

Martin Luther King Day is tomorrow! 3 day weekend at the start of the semester!! Best timing ever because:

1) Holiday -> Semester is never a good transition! Can't concentrate on work just yet =P
2) Monday's are my longest days from 1030am - 9pm!

The downside is... Monday's are my longest days =____= Oh the irony! There's lab to be replaced, online lecture to watch, bla bla bla. Anyway, how's everyone doing? Chinese New Year is less than a month away! I'm missing out on the good food, ang pao, reunion dinners!! Ish... Okay back to work... I'll end this post with a series wern pheng intro-ed to me, it's to die for ;)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Why HTC smartphones are the best among the rest

It's about time things came to a head with the smartphone competition. Enough with the yearly iphones that keep on "changes everything" again and again. Enough with the Xperia's, Motos and what nots. HTC is the best out there and this is why:

It saves your life!!!

John Garber from Atlanta, was shot outside of his club. The story doesn't have a bad ending thanks to his trusty HTC Incredible! His phone was in his breastpocket when he was shot and it practically saved his life! Kudos to HTC for perfectly built phones! The man says he'll never buy phones from another brand again, and I think that sort of loyalty is well deserved in this case.

Anyway, a short update this will be. As late as it is, Happy new year all! Oh and for a picture of the "phone of the hour", check it out below.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Hope everyone had a good New Year!

Don't fall asleep in class this sem, guys and girls!

Friday, January 7, 2011

oh WOW the blog has music now? and a new template? looks nice! ok my bad i have not visited yumcha for like months now! time is just slipping through my fingers like grains of sand! so much to do so little time?

sigh where do i begin? well i'm back in subang and no one is around except for mun li @@ you US boys and INDO boy and SG girl better come back quick before I have to go looking for you! >=D
